About your instructor

Hey I’m Ivana!

After giving birth to my second child and soon after moving to Switzerland, far from the help and support of family and friends, I wanted a more balanced life and flexible schedule that would build around my family life. That’s when I decided to let go of my office job in architecture to pursue one in the fitness industry. I always loved working with people and discovered great satisfaction in helping others become and stay pain-free.

I’m a certified pilates instructor through Stott pilates school which incorporates modern knowledge of the body and biomechanics into the Pilates repertoire.

My teaching enhances mind-body connection and retrains your movement patterns. Regardless of your age or fitness level, it is never too late to start. 

I believe that the biggest progress happens when we meet body where it is and slowly build from there.

Being a Pregnancy and postpartum corrective exercise specialist enables me to work with women in their most sensitive time. Through my in-person classes and online postpartum courses, I helped hundreds of women successfully recover from pregnancies and regain trust and strength in their bodies.